Anastasia Malama
Clinical Master (MSc in Mental Health) at King’s College London & Guy’s Hospital, University of London, with specialization in Diagnosis and Psychotherapy such as Cognitive – Behavioral Therapy and Dynamic Psychotherapy. Also, she holds Master in Business Administration (Executive MBA – UK).
EuropPsy Certificate by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Association in Psychotherapy and Organizational Psychology.
International Advanced Schema Therapist, Supervisor and Trainer.
International Interpersonal Psychotherapy Clinician, Supervisor, Trainer.
Other certified specializations include Diploma in developmental psychology (UK), Clinical Diploma in eating disorders (UK), personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders in adolescence and adults.
Clinical supervision: more than 1000 hours supervised clinical hours.
Clinical practice of more than 20 years and clinical supervision of more than 1000 hours in UK and Greece.
During her stay in UK, for 11 years, she worked as Director in The Centre for Psychological Applications in London, Scientific Collaborator in Guy’s Hospital – University of London, Psychologist for the Centre for Eating Disorders (UK), Researcher & Therapist for international program for emotional – behavioural problems in children associated with Brunel University (UK).
Founder and Scientific Director of the Malama – Institute for Psychological Applications in Athens, Greece (2002).
As Scientific Collaborator at the European funded project “EQUAL” she developed the “Professional Personality Alphabet Questionnaire and Manual”, published as well in international referred Journals, for use throughout Europe.
Activities include books publications and articles in scientific journals, as well as numerous trainings and presentations in Organizations, professionals and general public.
Co-founder of the theoretical approach “Istamology” and of the International Centre of Istamology (ICIs).
Consultant and Trainer in strategic management and strategic communication.
Registered Member of International Scientific Organization including, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), the International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (ISIPT), the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST), the Eating Disorders Association (UK).